On to Certification!

Both Chronicles of Clo and Huge have passed content review! This is a huge step (he he) to chronicle on my blog here (he he he) as it means we are one step clo-ser to publication!  Certification is where they test the map on multiple platforms. This is to see if there are any performance…

A HUGE Re-submission!

Man, this pun never gets old! As predicted, once December 15th was finished, Microsoft moved on from winter-themed maps and returned to viewing regular maps. What I didn’t expect was to hear from them so soon! They found an issue with terrain that I promptly fixed and then resubmitted.  This is a very good sign!…

Just Submitted the Update to Chronicles of Clo

Here’s my Christmas present to you! Hope you like it. No dramatic plans for the holidays. I’ll fly back to Louisiana on the 23rd and stay with my parents for a week. Even though I’m a Presbyterian I’ll go to their church over the holidays. We always go to this great BBQ joint afterwards. Expect…

A Huge Opportunity

Microsoft is still looking at my next Minecraft map called Huge. This is normal. I’ll probably hear from them about it on Friday. Why start with Huge? It took me 5 years to make the first map. Of course, I didn’t use any editing tools, placing every block by hand. This led me down some…

Update on My to Do List for MC Maps

In my State of DeepwellBridge post I promised to update Chronicles of Clo and then finish 2 other maps, the Wonderland map and a third map I had started at the beginning of 2021…  Well, I completely ignored what I said I’d do and finished a fourth Ultra Secret Map. I just sent that map…

I Just Submitted My New Minecraft Map!

Well, it was a long road to finishing my second map but it’s now being reviewed by Microsoft! This usually takes about a month or 2. They have a lot of maps to review. Still sick but much less so. I was going to go to the pastor’s house for a Thanksgiving feast, but I…

Update on my Mysterious MC Project

The world is finished!  Well, it was finished a week ago. I was working on the marketing when I got sick. And man did this sickness hit me hard! Just a constant fever, no throat issues, but I’m very sleepy all the time. As you might have imagined, this sort of slowed down as I’m…

A Little Autumn Cleaning

Now that I’m entering back into the professional side of things, I need to do a little autumn cleaning on this blog. DeepwellBridge began as a place to explain my fiction. I later added the Minecraft project which took me down several rabbit trails until I landed my current job of working with Lifeboat. Well,…

State of DeepwellBridge

Sony recently had their State of Play presentation. I guess it’s my turn. I currently work with a Minecraft partner as a producer of Minecraft content and DLC. But that’s not where I began. 3 years ago, around this time, I was an independent partner (called oddly enough DeepwellBridge) who released the Minecraft adventure map,…

5 Minute Piano Lessons: The Emotion of Chords

The expression of feeling and story is an important part of music in movies and life.  Watch a breathtaking scene in a movie and odds are there’s a glorious soundtrack playing in the background.  In a ritzy restaurant, the owners play smooth jazz, creating an atmosphere of delight and charm.  How do composers achieve these…